Since 2012, our company has provided clients with design, training and research to adapt successfully to a rapidly changing environment.

We provide services that range from human rights due diligence, which means screening and training to detect and respond to forced labour in supply chains, to environmental impact and bio-mitigation for resilient landscapes, water, fisheries and oceans. Our clients are businesses, governments and charitable foundations.

Currently for example, in March 2024, we are editing ASEAN guidelines for the protection and placement of migrant fishers, interviewing shrimp producers and workers in Vietnam (142 so far..), performing human rights due diligence, and mapping groundwater use on Oahu.

We are focused on urgent needs and adapting to stressors that are causing systems to fail. With a very simple formula, we provide the highest-quality and longest lasting results.


Our formula is to locate and to listen. The power to adapt successfully is in people and relationships, clear sightlines and communication. Culture is important so our team members are place-based. We locate and listen to people in your scope whose lives already are impacted significantly by the changes you are confronted by. We will combine what you see with what they do and respond effectively in real time. Our superpower is pinpointing where and how to adapt successfully in everyday practices and operations to challenges that were unimaginable a short time ago. It works every time because we focus on what people see and need.

Aloha. We would love to work with you. Please contact us and let us know what you need and where.







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